Wednesday 28 May 2008

Hampshire/Dorset Borders, and it's WET!

We moved the van to near Stockbridge yesterday - half asleep as we didn't get back from London until 1.30 am! Boy was it worth it! 2 hours of fabulous rock - by 3/4 of Dire Straights + 4 other fabulous musicians! Extended Jam session - but what a sound!Verging on jazz at times, I think we're both still walking round will silly grins on our faces!

House hunting wise, things are looking up - even if the weather isn't! We found two more possibles yesterday - in Verwood near Ringwood. Simba likes the one in Bugdens Lane - because there is a lovely area of woodland for doggie walking 30 yards from the front door - so no ulterior motives there then!

In Fordingbridge today to hit some more agents and hopefully some more bungalows, then viewings in and around Ringwood tomorrow! Life is, as they say, hectic!

Sunday we're planning to go to church in Verwood - then have the rest of the day off! But we'll see what happens!

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