Sunday 18 May 2008

We're off!

Well, we're there at last! 5 weeks of decorating, cleaning, gardening, packing - now the real fun begins!

We had a terrfic send off - from Scouts with a new bear for the collection arriving,as well as a scrummy cake and a digital photoframe.

AND from Church - who gave us some garden vouchers for our new garden and LOADs of hugs!

So, the house is sorted (well, nearly, we still have a few weeds to deal with!) the agent is in action (we hope he is!) and we're off to start the great house hunt!

For anyone who hasn't heard, we're looking over three counties at the moment - Hampshire, Somerset and Dorset! The aim of these first few weeks is to find out exactly where (to within three or four towns/villages) we'd like to be! 3 counties is a bit of a large area!!
We're starting near Winchester, and working our way westwards.

Simba has been getting more and more "bothered" over the last few weeks - like most dogs, he hates change - and far too much has changed around the house for his liking. And you're been much too busy for lots of walks and cuddles ! Ok Sims, not any longer! - we're both looking forward to a lot of exploring, a good rest AND some early nights!!

So, watch this space and we'll update whenever we can find Wifi!

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