Monday 26 May 2008

Moving Westwards!

Well after 3 days of traffic jams around Winchester and Romsey, we did find a lovely village that time seems to have forgotten - Titchfield. Although Jen wouldn't speak to us as it has a PO postcode ( Portsmouth!) We also found a beautiful house with a good sized garden - bit slopey at the back tho, so would need terracing so I don't break my neck - on the reserves list!

We moved the van to Plaitford, near Romsey - well, Cadnam perhaps! to a lovely CL - 5 pitch private site - in an enormous backgarden! Very nice apart from the weather! Simba wasn't impressed when he woke up with a wet head, as the rain was driving in thru the top vent!

Went into Ringwood early on Sunday ( yes, Sunday!) to try and find the Methodist Church before the service started. We did - only to find that the service was at the United Church - Methodist /URC down the road! We still got there in time, to be greeted by a very cheerful guy acting as lollipop man for the church - so people could cross safely to get in - instead of a conventional lollipop, he had a board with a cross on it, and "Christians Crossing" as well - nice one!

Ringwood has long been one of the places we felt drawn to - there are several good places just outside with plenty of bungalows - the town itself has all we need - even including a model engineering society! Can't think why we need that one!

Lots of appointments booked - one seen at St Leonards that looks very promising indeed - would need a lot of work, but the price is right, as they say! No offers made yet - if it's for us, it'll still be there after we look at Dorset over the next couple of weeks. If not, there are plenty of others around there, we couldn't book many appointments as one one agent in Ringwood was open sunday or bank hol monday!

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